Interview Tip: Honesty is the Best Policy

Anyone who's ever gone through the interview process understands the temptation to embellish their skills and experience. This is especially true for those just getting started in the industry. We all want to make sure we get the job. Is this really a good idea though?

by Jason Lewis on Jan 5, 2020

Developer Resume Tips for the Modern Hiring Scene

The modern development scene has changed rapidly and the hiring methods have changed along with them. ATS software and increased visibility of job posting have added challenges to getting through the short list process. Here's some tips to navigating these challenges!

by Jason Lewis on Dec 7, 2019

MacOS Catalina Upgrade, Why Won't My Tools Run?

Apple's recent update from MacOS Mojave to Catalina introduced some changes that can cause issues for developers. Here's how to do a simple migration from the old Bash terminal shell to the new Zsh shell.

by Jason Lewis on Nov 16, 2019

Relocated Files, What's Up Catalina?

One of the big changes in Apple's new MacOS 10.15 Catalina update is the reorganization of the file system. If you store things in a non-standard way, this could have a huge impact on your development!

by Jason Lewis on Nov 8, 2019

Home Office: Love Where You Work

If you're lucky enough to have the opportunity to work from home, whether it's working for yourself or someone else, setting up your home office can be critical to your success. Here's some tips on the dangers to watch out for.

by Jason Lewis on Nov 3, 2019

Developers, It's Okay to Be Lost

Nearly every developer finds themselves at a junction at some point in their career. Sometimes there's a great opportunity waiting but sometimes the way forward isn't so clear. This is the perfect time to take a step back and look at where we are and how we got there. In essence, it's okay to be lost sometimes.

by Jason Lewis on Oct 27, 2019

Quick Tip: How to Add Commento To Your Gridsome Static Website

Adding Commento to your Gridsome static website is very easy. Here's the couple of steps to help you get it done quickly.

by Jason Lewis on Oct 14, 2019

Creating a Static Blog with Vue for Free - Part 4

Part 4 of the series on creating a fast, free static blog site using Vue.JS, Gridsome, and NetlifyCMS talks about build the actual list of blog posts and displaying the posts themselves.

by Jason Lewis on Oct 13, 2019

Creating a Static Blog with Vue for Free - Part 3

Part 3 of this series on creating a fast, free static blog site using Vue.JS, Gridsome, and NetlifyCMS covers creating the Gridsome project and setting up NetlifyCMS.

by Jason Lewis on Oct 5, 2019

Setting Up a MongoDB Server on Your Computer Using Docker

Have you ever wanted an easy way to setup a MongoDB server for learning or development purposes? Using Docker you can do this really easily. Here's how!

by Jason Lewis on Aug 17, 2019

Quick Tip: How to Add Visual Studio Code or iTerm to Your Finder Header Bar

Have you ever wanted to open a specific file or folder in Visual Studio Code or iTerm right from your MacOS Finder? Here's how to add icons to your finder header so you can easily drag files or folders to them.

by Jason Lewis on Aug 10, 2019

Creating a Static Blog with Vue for Free - Part 2

Welcome to Part 2 of my journey towards creating a high-performance, static blog site using free tools and services. In this chapter I'll share how I reached the decisions to use Vue.js, Nuxt.js, DatoCMS, and Netlify.

by Jason Lewis on May 11, 2019

Creating a Static Blog with Vue for Free - Part 1

Welcome to Part 1 of my journey towards creating a high-performance, static blog site using free tools and services to share the knowledge I've been accumulating over the years. In this article, I'll share the considerations and questions I need to resolve in determining the best direction to take.

by Jason Lewis on Apr 14, 2019

How to Generate Dynamic Routes in Nuxt.js

Out of the box, Nuxt.js, the Javascript static site generator for Vue projects, will only generate static pages for non-dynamic routes since it has no way of knowing what all your dynamic values are. Here's how to tell Nuxt what the dynamic routes should be so you can get all the benefits of static websites for every page.

by Jason Lewis on Mar 24, 2019

Single File Vue.js Code Auto Formatting in Visual Studio Code

Customizing the auto-formatting of single-file Vue components in Visual Studio Code with Vetur can be tricky to figure out. Here's how to set it up and configure your environment the way you want.

by Jason Lewis on Mar 19, 2019